Getting Over It With Bennett

Getting Over It With Bennett

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is an interactive platform game developed by Bennett Foddy, the guy behind the game jams such as Gunpoint and Linea I and II. The game was initially released as a part of the October’s Humble Monthly, where it ended up being played by more than 2.7 million users. To date, it continues to be downloaded from multiple distribution services, and has continued to receive positive reviews.

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is an “interactive” game, where you are tasked to solve puzzles in order to get the items needed in order to progress through the game. Each level has different obstacles that you must overcome, and the levels do not repeat themselves. For instance, the first level has an ice cream van that you can drive, but that van also freezes you! The second level has a bowling alley that you can use to toss bowling balls, but when you leave the area, a truck falls on you! The difficulty increases as you progress through the game, and if you think that you may have a hard time with it, then it’s a good idea to save your progress before starting.

The main gameplay involves a number of topics, some of which include getting over it with is a hamster named Hazmat, and getting groceries using a “store Coupon Code”. The storyline is very simple, which makes it interesting to play due to the various things that are going on. For example, at one point in the story, you have to go back to rescue your uncle who has gone missing. In another part, you have to go back to recruit another goat to help you get to the top of the mountain using a rope. There are a few other interesting topics, and once you complete the game you unlock a further 5 for the shelf!

Getting Over It with Bennett is a very challenging game, mostly due to its graphics and the simplicity of its storyline. It may be simple, but it still manages to be fun due to the different objectives that are given to you throughout the game. For example, one objective involves getting the hammer down from the top of the mountain using only a Sledgehammer! Another requires you to get the rope down while sticking sledgehammers on the sides of the rope! These objectives make it all the more enjoyable as you work your way to reach the goal.

However, the one thing that really makes Getting Over It with Bennett a fun game is the music that is heard as you work your way up the mountain using a sledgehammer. It adds a great deal to the game’s realism, as you listen to the creaking wood, and the groans as you climb. The music helps you stay on track as you use the cauldron to put yourself out of harm’s way, and as you swing and pound at the sledgehammer to make your way to the top of the mountain using minimal weapons. As you complete each of these objectives, you collect items that can be used to do some upgrades for your character. For example, you can buy an ice cream cone so that you can build an ice cream house on top of your mountain using the snow that you collected earlier.

Getting Over It with Bennett is not just a game that teaches you how to take on the challenges of climbing a mountain, but it also makes you feel like you have conquered the mountain. As you level up, you can see your hammer continue to fall down the mountain, but you will soon have enough stamina to move on. A well designed game, with excellent graphics, helps to make this an engrossing game that is easy to play and understand, and even easier to replay if you get stuck on a goal.

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